
Planet in the Anaris System, home of the Gagarag race and owned by the Karnol Caretakers.   In the past, Fragrarar was best known for being theoretically terraformable. As it is the 7th planet form the star, with an orbital radius not much larger than Argrag, it is mostly warm. In fact, many studies done on the planet show that there was once life on this world. However, the planet lacked a very powerful magnetosphere so much of the solar radiation slowly stripped layers of the atmosphere on this world. Although it is left with a weak atmosphere now, it is not enough to sustain life. However, should the KC improve the magnetic moment of the core, they would be able to permanently sustain life.     In more current times, they did eventually terraform Fragrarar. It now supports a large population of gagarag, almost as much as their homeworld of Argrag. Although it is slightly cold for them, it is considered survivable. It is now almost a eucenopolis.
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