Sralarka III

Planet located in the Sralarka System, which is owned by the Grand Artanat Empire.   Sralarka III orbits at a moderate distance from the star Although it lies within the habitable zone of the star, it was uninhabitable when the GAE first conquered the system. GAE scientists now speculate that life might have been evolving on the world at the time, though. Some scientific reports suggest that there were already a number of extremely simple microbes, none of which have mastered reproduction. As such they were unable to form large populations.   That is, until the GAE arrived with terraforming equipment. These simple, reproduction-incapable microbes became extinct, but the GAE managed to install a breathable, nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and water on the world before planting a large quantity of life. Due to the very optimal heat, this project was much easier to terraform than other planets in the system. As such, terraforming on this world began first and also finished first. This means the planetary population had more time to reproduce, giving this planet the largest population out of all similarly sized planets in the system, which also makes it quite valuable.   Like the rest of the system, this world is exceptionally well defended. With a large number of defence platforms and orbiting shipyards, it can defend itself against almost any threat that tries to threaten the world.
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