Sralarka Star Lifter

Large star lifter located in the Sralarka System, which is owned by the Grand Artanat Empire  The star lifter, like most others, is designed as a very large ring world with magnets. It oscillates at the resonant frequency of the star which causes it to slowly lose mass. This mass is then collected and used in various applications by the GAE or as fusion fuel to power the ring world (after hydrogen is separated from the stellar plasma). Most of the hydrogen extracted is exported for use by the wider GAE. They are careful to not to extract so much plasma that the other worlds become uninhabitable though.   The star lifter is capable of extracting a large amount of stellar plasma and as such is important for the systems economy. Thus it is well defended like all the planets in the system with a huge number of defence platforms and shipyards. The GAE even placed large superweapons in orbit of the star in case one of the worlds (or even a world of a nearby system) was captured by the enemy.
Location under
Owning Organization


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