Sralarka System

Star system owned by the Grand Artanat Empire. located in the Aenoris galaxy, the Sralarka star itself being a class G main sequence star.   The Sralarga system is relatively close to the Scronala System, the Ugunuog home system. A large number of GAE ships would arrive here during wars with another race during their initial conquest of the stars, and the Sralarka system in particular would earn their attention. After the GAE emerged victorious, they terraformed a number of these planets as none were initially habitable at the eve of the attack.   It became a very inhabited system with almost every planet orbiting the Sralarka star orbiting it. It has seen resource acquisition of all forms, such as mining, gas giant harvesting and even salvaging wreckages, in large quantities. This is what makes the system so valuable. The GAE also performs star lifting, increasing the lifespan of the star. Given its importance, they have the system well defended. The GAE places superweapons in the system as well as a huge number of defence stations, a large number of shipyards and many planetary defences in addition. Espionage here would be difficult even for a highly advanced faction as it is carefully and effectively patrolled.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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