Takanal - Class Airship Destroyer

An airship relying on a strong Taidakic Field to float, used by the Hyperion Federation.   Named after the legendary flying city on Tebburus.   The Takanal - class is a large, fast airship. It is armed with a large quantity of railgun cannons, facing every direction. These are highly powerful, firing various types of ammunition at high velocity. They are also armed with various missiles for long range strikes and anti air weapons, typically in the form of photon cannons. Just in case, however, they are usually escorted by Coara - Class Airship Flak Frigates. The Takanal - Class itself is sometimes seen escorting Eprus - Class Airship Carriers.   They actually serve a air to ground anti heavy role but are capable of taking out air to air heavy threats, such as other airships. As they are fast, they can evade a lot of fire while also keeping up pressure themselves. They are protected by armour thick enough to stop light AA weapons from damaging them.   It can climb altitude very fast. If it points upwards so that its main drive outputs its force upwards and uses the kaidaton collider on high power, both will cause a strong force that sends the ship upwards. This is known as an emergency climb. This has been used several times to retreat into orbit.   It is capable of space travel, however, the crew cannot leave the ship and perform operations on the deck. Additionally, it has no FTL drive, which makes logistics difficult. Planetary Assault Ships have often been used for this purpose.

Power Generation

It is powered by an antimatter annihilation core. This is well armoured because if it is disabled, the kaidaton particle collider will be disabled. This will cause the ship to stop producing kaidatons and slowly fall under gravity. This method means that it requires no Aetherium to construct however.


Mobility is provided by 2 large photon thrusters mounted on the rear. If one is disabled in combat, the other still remains operational and can hopefully allow the ship to retreat. Similar, smaller adjustment thrusters allow it to rotate in the air, allowing it to strafe, yaw, pitch and roll.


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