The Underground Laboratory Settlement in THF Universe | World Anvil

The Underground Laboratory

A large laboratory-city located on Gamma Kais IV.   As the civilization on this world was attacked by the various Arkanian bioships, some retreated underground. Entire cities were built under the surface. The Underground Laboratory would become an immense, city sized laboratory. The only way to acess it from the surface is via a large cave system that goes down. This cave system is highly complex, and many have beome lost in it.   The laboratory was enginered excellently despite this civilizations use of relatively primitive technology. After the almost 100 000 years it was constructed, large portions of it remain intact. Although its fusion reactor was long damaged beyond usability and most of its power grid destroyed, one door has been manually powered up by Hyperion Federation explorers and is somehow fully operational. The HF is highly intrested in this area because it could contain the most well preserved DNA samples of this long lost species.   Should enough be collected, the HF would be able to construct techprints of this race and use it for Virtual Universes. However, the area is also populated with many, highly deadly creatures. Many of which would target anyone trying to get into the laboratory. Because of this, most creatures that enter the cave never return. These creatures also threaten any explorers in the laboratory tself.
Underground / Vault
Location under
Owning Organization


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