Gamma Kais IV Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Gamma Kais IV

A planet in the Gamma Kais System.   The planet is a large distance from its parent star, but the star is also bright. This makes the planet habitable on the surface as it has a good temperature that can easily support life. It also features several large oceans and continents, optimal conditions for life.   Many Arkanian lifeforms thus live on the world. As bioships have evolved to land on the world, there was already life here. As such, they fed on this already existing ecosystem.   As they thrived, more lifeforms form space evolved for these excellent conditions. However, this also meant that the primitive civilization already on the world would be destroyed, all of its people being eaten by the bioships.   This civilization was at the time in the middle of the atomic age when it first had incidents of bioships comming down from space. It proceeded to eat several lifeforms on the world, including 7 people, only to return to space. More would come. This civilization eventually managed to achieve fusion and easy space flight before it was wiped out. However, they had very little defence against such massive lifeforms. As their attacks just kept increasing, it led to the extinction of most lifeforms on the planet. They fought against them, but they just kept comming. Eventually, much of the surface has been littered in large anti air cannons designed to penetrate Arkan bioship skin and detonate inside. It took a large number of these cannons to harm them however.   The Hyperion Federation has discovered many ruins form this civilization. They still study them in attempts to find out about the cultures of this world. They have found ruins of multiple fusion reactors and spaceports. The largest structure that has been found is a ruin of a space elevator, meaning this civilization was highly advanced.
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