Troznux Clans Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

Troznux Clans

A Star Nation of the Hyperion Federation consisting of one of the very few species capable of surviving in space. Their home is in the Arkan galaxy, which is full of bioships that feed off each other and form a food chain. There are no civilizations there, but some species evolved to fly on planets. Some of the sentient species capable of reasoning formed the Troznux Clans and joined the HF because the Federation provides them with food and technology. Obviously, the Federation has weaponised the Arkan ecosystem, cybernetically enhancing some of the species for their military. The Cymaseus system is also found here. Home to the Dhim'or race. A race of sentient, symbiotic slug like creatures, inhabiting a section of the hosts brain. They optimize the hosts brain, making it perform a bit better. The brain slugs are partially hive minded with other Dhim'ors, retaining free will but having the ability to pass information easily. Although the signal becomes extremely weak and invisible at extreme distances. Another notable thing about them is the fact they can communicate to the host, and the host can communicate to them.   The Troznux Clans celebrates several holidays, such as integration day, where they recognize the things the HF did for them, such as provide them with technology and stopping them from eating each other constantly. They also have holidays set aside for exploring the planets and viewing them from orbit. The planets often look very pretty from orbit.


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