Ultra-Accelerative Starship

A type of military starship that is, notably, filled almost entirely with water. Most commonly used by the Hyperion Federation military.   These kinds of starships are crewed entirely by aquatic races such as Aquris and Water Suons. Although the latter cant talk while underwater, they can survive the conditions. To allow the aquris to eat food, there are a number of air-filled compartments for eating. These starships were constructed like this to allow it to accelerate much faster than other starships. During extreme-g maneuvers, most of the weight of the person is transferred directly to the water, keeping the person safe.   These ships are more rare however, as such aquatic species make up a small fraction of the population of the HF, and these ships must be specifically crewed by these species. Due to this, they are often given even more training than ordinary Hyperion Federation starship crews to make them very experienced. They would often rely more on these maneuvers for their own protection, including extremely massive weight classes, such as battleships and titans. These are not as fast, but are still significantly faster, than most other starships of the HF. Due to this, they have a different doctrine that relies more on speed than the TGX Composite armour or shields.


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