T.S. Hyperluminal
The lead ship of the Hyperluminal - Class Heavy Destroyer, the first Ultra-Accelerative Starship ever designed.
T.S. Hyperluminal is filled entirely with water, with a few air sections around the crew quarters. In combat conditions, the air sections are evacuated, so T.S. hyperluminal is crewed entirely by aquatic species such as Aquris, Water Suons, some Harkas subspecies or even Sentient Robots (HF sentient robots are designed to be waterproof). The reason for this is to allow the ship to undergo much higher acceleration without harming the crew - the water will take most of the weight of each person and allow them to handle far greater acceleration.
The hyperluminal - class is much more recent than the Boson - Class Destroyer, though, so the crew of T.S. Boson are more experienced. Freelancers can also undergo higher acceleration as well.
T.S. Hyperluminal was the first ship of its class, and its crew are the most experienced. This makes the ship very elite and can easily outrun almost every ship of the Cypher Dominion - giving it an incredible evasion advantage regardless of the target ship. T.S. Hyperluminal has excelled during the Hyperquasar Annihilator War especially, where it has destroyed almost 10 CD capital ships with support. An important starship, serving an important role at an important time. Unlike the Boson, it has no spinal mount and is focused more on turrets firepower.
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You’ve been read! This article was featured in the weekly Aldus_Ken stream on Twitch. We read and write together. Find the reading on Twitch! ^^ PS. Never thought of a space ship filled with water to be honest. Awesome find! ^^
Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!
Thanks Aldus Ken! It's a fun concept I have seen in several other WA worlds but they often try to explain how humans can breathe water like that. I had the brilliant idea of simply using aquatic species so of course I turned that into an entire ship lineup