
Military-industrial complex corporation of the Republic of Miasi.   UltraSpace are known for 2 products specifically - the Trajectory - Class Corvette and Magnatar - Class Cruiser. However, they also sell equipment such as nuclear weapons, tanks, starship ammunition as well as various logistical tools. UltraSpace are also well known to occupy most of Mlrasan. It is on this world that they manufacture a lot of their equipment and products.   before the Miasi space age, UltraSpace started off as a nuclear weapon dealer, shortly after the invention of nuclear weapons, to one side of the Miasi equivalent of the Cold War. This has caused them to rise significantly in prominence, and have since remained in prominence. Before the space age though, UltraSpace were known as Urani-Tech. They rebranded to UltraSpace shortly after they began mass production of military starships, turning them towards the stars.

Dead Men Don't Chose UltraSpace

Corporation, Manufacturing
Alternative Names


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