
5th planet of the Jenat System, which is the home system of the Republic of Miasi.   Mlrasan is an average sized world, and it is close to the habitable radius of the star, if a bit cold. Using a harmless chemical in the atmosphere, it should be possible to keep the planet warm enough for life. However the republic does not yet have the technology to terraform worlds. It is currently used instead to mine and as a factory world. Its crust is very rich in metal ore.   Mlrasan is famously the HQ planet of the weapons manufacturing corporation, UltraSpace. This corporation is one of the leading companies in this field, beginning in the Miasi equivalent of the atomic age. At this stage they were known as Urani-Tech, as they were practically the sole supplier of nuclear weapons and, sometimes, nuclear reactors to one side of the Miasi equivalent of the Cold War. With the advent of space travel, Urani-Tech realized that they could take advantage of the possible money fountain of space warfare and rebranded themselves as UltraSpace, claiming virtually the entirety of Mlrasan in the process.   Many humans inhabit Mlrasan. Most of these are UltraSpace employees, but as that company has not managed to occupy the entire planet there are also various government habitats and those of other corporations.U ltraSpace has constructed 2 space elevators on the planet, used to ship everything from ammunition to starships to employees and food to and form the planet below. These are powered by large fusion reactors mounted on the orbiting stations. These also supply power to the planet below, making the space elevators very important to planetary development. UltraSpace currently has a project to construct some gas giant harvesting stations around Jarnipar to supply these with reliable power.
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