
Gas giant in the Aurigae System. The Phelke homeworld of Zanrilles orbits it. The gas giant itself orbits Aurigae and has many moons.   Currently, the gas giant is being exploited for hydrogen. Using Transmutation Reactors, the Phelke Commonwealth can obtain any element from the gas giant lifters.   The Xadia Ancients once occupied Cyora. They built a large number of these monoliths on all worlds orbiting it as they needed a faster way to move between these worlds. All of them used to be habitable, but only Zanrilles remained habitable after the Starsong incident. Many worlds burned out, others lost their atmosphere. Cyora is also the largest planet in the system and is almost classified as a star itself. It also has a large asteroid ring around it. Of course, this is being mined. The ring is also used to defend the phelke homeworld from space threats like xenophobic factions, as the asteroid belt contains a large number of defensive stations that are hidden from external scans (they are built to resemble asteroids themselves). They are then quite important to the phelke race.
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