Ignis Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil

Ignis (ig ne is)

This continent is barren, affected by the fire plane and run by the Court of Fire  This includes the following countries:
Hehfle- Human Country
Hoswayba- Halfling Country
Huprestan- Hill Gnome Country
Mudrun- Mountain Dwarf Country
Shaque- Sun Elf Country
Thoyfa- Tiefling Country


The Human country is a giant desert, consisting of a large lake and 9 rivers in a verity of sizes, it also connects to the ocean.   The Halfling country is a smaller desert and barran lands consisting of 3 volcanos. There is also 10 rivers in a verity of sizes, 3 of which are lava. It also connects to the ocean, some lava leaks into it as well.   The Hill Gnome country is all barren hills and also 14 rivers in a verity of sizes. It also connects to the ocean.   The Mountain Dwarf country is barren mounatins and consists of 14 rivers in a verity of sizes, it also connects to the ocean.   The Sun Elf country consists of a dead forest and barren lands, with 2 volcanos as well. There is also 11 rivers in a verity of sizes, the large middle one being completly lava. It also connects to the ocean, with some lava leaking into it.   The last country is the Tiefling area which is mostly barran lands with intresting rock formations. There is also 2 rivers both quite large, it also connects to the ocean.

Localized Phenomena

The elemental plane of fire effects this continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Fire
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Ignis (Fire Plane Affected) by WolfofWinter


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