Terra Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil

Terra (te rra)

This continent is mostly different types of trees, affected by the earth plane and ruled by the Court of Earth  This includes the following countries:
Descara- Dragonborn Country
Fospium- Forest Gnome Country
Hudrein- Hill Dwarf Country
Molegro- Moon Elf Country
Orcharia- Orc Country
Woodrel- Wood Elf Country


The Dragonborn country is mostly autumn trees with some mountains, some snowy mountains and a small desert patch. There is also small patches of plain land. There is also a small lake and 11 rivers in a verity of sizes, it also connects to the ocean.   The Forest Gnome country is covered in pine trees and 8 rivers in a verity of sizes. It also connects to the ocean.   The Hill Dwarf country is ruffly covered in half snowy hills and the other half brownish hills, with 7 rivers in a verity of sizes. It also connects to the ocean.   The Moon Elf country is snowy with both pine trees and plains, with 15 different kinds of rivers and its also connects to the ocean.   The Orc country is a swamp covered with 11 different kinds of rivers of different shapes and sizes. It also connects to the ocean.   The last country is the Wood Elf area, half covered in oak trees and the other half is jungle. It has 3 big lakes and a smaller one, it also has 19 rivers of different shapes and sizes.

Localized Phenomena

The elemental plane of earth effects this continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Earth
Location under
Included Organizations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: Terra (Earth Plane Affected) by WolfofWinter


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