Oceanus Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil

Oceanus (o ce an us)

This continent is fully underwater, affected by the water plane and ruled by the Court of Water.   This includes the following countries:
Lushela- Locathah Country
Monitae- Mermaid Country
Spiysia- Sea Elf Country
Stajo- Siren Country
Tospan- Triton Country


The Locathah country is built around seacoasts on the small islands that dot the ocean.   The Mermaid country is built in and around the muilty coloured coral reefs.   The Sea Elf country is built on the sandy floor of the ocean, as well as in and around ocean revines.   The Siren country is built in and around ship recks that they have caused, as well as in caves in the sides of islands.   The Triton country is built on the sandy floor of the ocean, as well as in and around ocean revines.

Localized Phenomena

The elemental plane of water effects this continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Water
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by WallpaperMaiden


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