Those left behind Knox Histories Timeline

Knox Histories

Timeline of events from the beginning of the Knox outbreak to current era.

PKI - Post Knox Infection
PFM - Post Fungal Mutation

The World Burns

2003 2006

The Traditional Knox Infection from Vanilla Project Zomboid that we all know and love.

  • 2003 PKI

    6 /6 12:00

    The Knox Event
    Plague / Epidemic

    Initial outbreak of the Knox Infection causing the state of Kentucky to fall before the rest of the world.

  • 2003 PKI

    12 /6

    Rise of the Wir Die Leiden People

    LSU medical students band together with local LEO to save the St. Peregrin Hospital from collapse.

  • 2003 PKI

    13 /6 03:00

    Fall of the St. Peregrin Hospital and the Wir Die Leiden
    Disaster / Destruction

    The military fail to maintain control of the situation in the Exclusion Zone after a few patients go rampant in the hospital. All members of the WDL and local LEO fall victim to the Infection and are overrun in a matter of hours.

  • 2003 PKI

    13 /6 04:00

    The Fall of Civilization
    Plague / Epidemic

    Full societal collapse. All forms of government have been lost and a majority of the human population has fallen to rot and ruin.

  • 2004 PKI

    12 /11

    Rise of The Strays

    Seemingly unaffected by the initial outbreak of the Knox Infection, a group of anthropomorphic survivors rally together to create a new organization built upon saving those of their own kind and condemning those born as humans.

  • 2004 PKI

    10 /12

    Rise of The Barrel Dogs

    A biker gang of humans rallies together in Riverside and pursue their pseudo nomadic lifestyle around the cities and towns of Kentucky.

  • 2005 PKI

    8 /2

    Rise of The Network

    The group known as The Network begin rebuilding their civilization in the heart of Louisville at the headquarters of the LBMW News Network.

  • 2005 PKI

    25 /2

    Rise of The Seekers

    A group of survivors from many backgrounds form the Seekers, observers and historians of the ongoing world take note of worthy events as life continues on.

  • 2005 PKI

    23 /5

    The Network Repairs the Radio Mast
    Construction beginning/end

    With a few engineers joining the group, The Network begins construction on the satellite and radio towers at the LBMW headquarters and around town. Creating checkpoints, safehouses, and internal communications arrays for the faction.

  • 2005 PKI

    10 /7

    Undead begin to migrate to the forest
    Discovery, Scientific

    Seekers witness unknown causes begining to drive the undead deep into the forests of Kentucky.

  • 2005 PKI

    13 /7 11:00

    The Barrel Dogs get attacked by The Strays
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Minor fights break out amongst members from both groups leading to the loss of life for two members of the Barrel Dogs.

  • 2005 PKI

    13 /7 12:00
    2006 PKI

    1 /1

    The Barrel Dogs Declare War against The Strays
    Military: War

    The Barrel Dogs become hostile against The Strays.

  • 2005 PKI

    1 /8

    The First Infestation
    Discovery, Scientific

    Seekers report encounters with large Abominations deep in the woods of Kentucky. Abominations begin to spread and grow within Knox County.

  • 2005 PKI

    3 /8

    Minor Attack on Strays Outpost
    Military: Skirmish

    The Barrel Dogs destroy the Strays' Vehicle depot in Lake Ivy. Majority of vehicle fleet and fuel reserves lost.

  • 2005 PKI

    8 /8

    Network and Seekers band together
    Diplomatic action

    Both groups band together to stop the spread of Abominations growing in the forests of Knox County. All Abominations are eradicated with fire and the infestations are no longer a threat.

  • 2005 PKI

    20 /10

    Supplies and Territories Dispute
    Political event

    The Seekers lay claim to farmland and campgrounds below Louisville. The Network denies the claims and disputes.

  • 2005 PKI

    27 /10

    The Network Completes the Radio Mast
    Construction beginning/end

    Communications to the LBMW building are restored.

  • 2005 PKI

    1 /11

    First Regional Contact: The Enclave
    Technological achievement

    The Network becomes the first faction to reach out to the rest of the United States. Contact with The Enclave, located in Denver Colorado, is made.

  • 2006 PKI

    1 /1

    Fall of the Strays

    The Strays settlement is set ablaze and is destroyed in the final battle. Few survivors remain and are forced to flee into hiding.

  • 2006 PKI

    5 /1

    The Enclave sends troops to Louisville
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Enclave move in with The Network and watch over all of The Networks assets.

  • 2006 PKI

    18 /4

    Second Contact: El Galaneño, Mexico
    Diplomatic action

    the City of El Galaneño, Tamaulipas Mexico reaches out. Claims of safety, no infection, and civilization are made to The Network. The villagers of El Galaneño offer transport to their town via helicopter.

  • 2006 PKI

    5 /9

    Cases of Food poisoning Arise
    Discovery, Scientific

    All factions begin reporting a change in fungal supplements. Survivors claim that all mushrooms in their diet begin to make them sick.

  • 2006 PKI

    25 /11

    Large fungal growth found in basement
    Discovery, Scientific

    Seekers check up on a lone survivor who went radio silent before a trade arrangement. Survivor found deceased in basement with a large fungal growth covering the walls.

  • 2006 PKI

    24 /12

    Seekers take sample of fungi and research

    Seekers research the fungal growth to learn more and understand why the lone survivor died to the fungus and its spores.

  • 2006 PKI

    25 /12

    Vial breaks and spores exposed in Seeker Lab
    Disaster / Destruction

    Spores unleash after minor accident in laboratory of The Seekers. 4 scientists die in the process. Reanimation not observed.

The World Burns Once More

2007 and beyond

The fungal ecology mutates once more. Anthropomorphic survivors become susceptible to infection and join the humans in their foley.

  • 2007 PFM

    5 /1

    First reanimation from fungal infection
    Plague / Epidemic

    Anthropomorphic scientist contracts fungal infection and isolates in room, survivor expires in bedroom and reanimates shortly after. Scientific compound lost. No survivors. Infection spreads to Knox County

  • 2007 PFM

    12 /4

    All factions recover their strongholds after second wave.
    Plague / Epidemic

    After being devastated by yet another disease to worry about, all factions regain their footing in the world. Banning the consumption of breads, fungus, and most foraged foods. Health measures are raised and standards are kept to maintain safety from the fungal infection.

  • 2008 PFM

    26 /9

    Seeker Scientist (Julie) Gets bitten and infected but does not turn
    Life, Supernatural

    Julie, the second in command for the Seekers' Laboratory becomes infected from a fungal infected zombie. After hours of waiting, Julie does not turn.

  • 2008 PFM

    6 /10

    Ex-Seeker learns of Julie and takes her to The Network
    Population Migration / Travel

    Julie entrusts her best friend her infliction. She is given a chance and her friend runs away from The Seekers to escort her to The Network, in hopes that they can have better chances for her survival.

  • 2008 PFM

    20 /10

    Julie gives her life so The Network can test and synthesize a cure for all
    Life, Death

    The Network begins working on a cure after Julie gives her life. They begin working on reverse engineering and testing on the deceased in controlled environments.

  • 2009 PFM

    16 /10

    The network tests on themselves and succeed
    Scientific achievement

    The Network becomes one of the first few people to become immune to becoming infected from both the Knox Infection and the Fungal Mutation. Insiders within the Network attempt to relay the information to other factions and fail.

  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10

    Seekers, Barrel Dogs, and Enclave all receive cure
    Scientific achievement
  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10 12:00

    Bulk cure is manufactured, the network broadcasts to all available channels
    Scientific achievement

    The Network shares their discoveries with anyone listening to their radio frequency. They begin to administer the cure to

  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10 13:00

    A bomb explodes in the science wing of The Network
    Criminal Activity

    Ex-Seeker plants a bomb in the science wing and destroys all equipment used to create the cure. All known documentation on the cure is burned in the explosion.

  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10 14:00

    Players begin playing
    Era beginning/end

    Information past this point unless experienced is to be considered meta. This is the points players were allowed to join the server and begin their story/adventures.

  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10 1330:00

    The Network Leader is murdered by The Enclave
    Military: Battle

    War breaks out. The enclave takes the bulk boxes of the cure and begins their attack on the inside of the LBMW Network building. Many shots are fired and lives are lost. Major breakdown in communication begins between different leaders of The Enclave.

  • 2009 PFM

    28 /10 1338:00

    Siege on the LBMW Headquarters
    Military: Battle

    Containers are left at the doorstep of The Network. Firebombs are thrown and the attack on the survivors of The Network has begun. Fringe groups from The Enclave do not follow orders and accidentally catch other Enclave members in the crossfire. There are many casualties across the board and many survivors from different factions perish.

    The Network, Enclave, and Seekers Fall.

  • 2009 PFM

    29 /10

    Zack [unaffiliated] and Mae [Enclave] steal bottles of cure from the Enclave at The Network HQ
    Criminal Activity

    Zack and Mae, two enclave members plan to take cures for their own and trick the commanding officer that the network ripped them off, Mae shoots the leader, but is killed during the aftermath of the battle that breaks out.

  • 2009 PFM

    5 /11

    Kaiser is born from Zack's inner turmoil
    Life, Identity

    Zack struggling with emotions from what he did creates the personality Kaiser, a kind hearted soul who wants to help people, Kaiser meets Tico [APM] on an intersection with their car breaking down, Tico fixes it up and they part ways until Kaiser runs into Luxrain [STRY].

  • 2009 PFM

    29 /11

    Brews' Bar Opens it's Doors

    A sole survivor of his family, Brews opens his bar in Bedford amidst the world collapsing twice. His perseverance creates the first publicly known safezone open to all and offers a wide variety of services to all survivors who come across him. From alcohol to food, his bar becomes the center of trade and safety after the fall of The Network.

  • 2009 PFM

    5 /12

    Antlers [LBMW] begins broadcasting distress signals at the Muldraugh Radio Station
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Antlers retreats from Louisville in the Suburban he hotwired to the LBMW broadcasting tower northwest of Muldraugh while fruitlessly broadcasting distress calls on 93.2 to reach other remaining Network members.

  • 2009 PFM

    12 /12

    Antlers [LBMW] puts down his brother Lazlow Swift [LBMW]
    Life, Death

    Antlers puts down his brother and SIGINT genius Lazlow Swift in the future home of American Providence. He would carry the trauma and corpse fascination for the next 2 years until his eventual assassination.

  • 2009 PFM

    24 /12

    Antlers [LBMW] stumbles upon the residence of Xochi and visitors [APM]
    Discovery, Exploration

    Running out of supplies, Antlers broadcasts '8 Miles to Louisville' by Grandpa Jones from a work truck as a friendly message. Out of options and intending on being detained or shot, he approaches not realizing the wild dog he had been tracking wasn't alone. He was met by Xochi [unaffiliated] and the first two members of APM, Aster and Tico.

  • 2010 PFM

    15 /2

    Luxrain [STRY] discovers the ancient Seeker Science Lab
    Discovery, Exploration

    Luxrain travels west of Rosewood and finds the old Seeker Lab, long since abandoned but with dormant plague hearts still latched to the interior walls and floors. APM retrieves a sample of the mound and takes it home under heavy containment.

  • 2010 PFM


    Antlers [LBMW] meets Leko Akerman, a Network Trucker
    Gathering / Conference

    Antlers makes contact with Leko Ackerman, a former trucker for The Network. He would remain his loyal companion by his side until his demise.

  • 2010 PFM

    23 /4

    Aster [APM] Performs surgery on Tico [APM], his voice returns
    Discovery, Scientific

    After studying countless books left behind by an "Umbrella Corporation" Aster uses his medical expertise to cut out, repair, and suture back Tico's vocal cords thanks to the medicinal properties of the "First Aid Spray". Tico nearly bleeds out on the operating table because of this action.

  • 2010 PFM

    23 /4 11:00

    Leko [LBMW] and Antlers [LBMW] requisition gear from Fort Redstone
    Military action

    Leko and Antlers requisition equipment from a military checkpoint outside Fort Redstone and The Network gets tacticool.

  • 2010 PFM

    27 /9

    The Campbells organize together

    Savana Campbell organizes the last of her family and begins recruiting nearby survivors in the city of Louisville.

  • 2010 PFM

    12 /11

    Campbell Sisters accidentally opens Pandora's Box
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Savanna and Silvia Campbell enters an unknown military facility and breaks open the lock to the bunker doors. Nothing happens but this is pretty much the moment the server started having a stroke and zombies began to surge from nowhere.

  • 2010 PFM

    24 /12

    Feliz Navidad plays over 93.2 and 98.6, the new LBMW Station is operational once again
    Construction beginning/end

    Antlers broadcasts 'Feliz Navidad' by José Feliciano across 93.2 and 98.6 as a friendly message to indicate that the affiliate LBMW station in downtown Louisville is once again operational and to attempt to contact the wild dogs he met the year prior.

  • 2011 PFM

    1 /1

    Rise of American Providence

    New world militiamen band together to re-establish trade routes and defend those under their protection. Their goal is to prevent the resurgence of the old world government. Enforcing constitutional rights and preserving America.

  • 2011 PFM

    30 /1

    The eerie Silence

    Zombies recede into the woods and an uneasy silence rolls over Kentuky. This is the time in which the brave admin souls fought off old code and spawn rates to bring an easier time for players all throughout Kentucky.

  • 2011 PFM

    31 /3

    APM burns down the Seeker Laboratory
    Military action

    Aster, Tico, and Luxrain all travel back to the Seeker lab and torch it to the ground. Shrieking and explosions of flesh and blood can be heard throughout Rosewood's valley.

  • 2011 PFM

    10 /6

    Zack attempts to mourn for Mae back in LV and gets caught by Network
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Zack [APM] attempts to go to Louisville to mourn over Mae's grave, crashing into Antlers [LBMW] and Trucker's [LBMW] vehicles, using the opportunity to sow dissent amongst LMBW and APM, getting Kaiser to scapegoat for him. Zack plans to flee to Texas.

    Kaiser crashes into Antlers, causing Antlers and Leko to take Kaiser hostage. Speaking through Kaiser, Zack delivers misinformation enraging Antlers to investigate the burned down station before escaping detainment.

  • 2011 PFM

    27 /6

    Rebirth of The Network

    The Network are a loosely-connected web of survivors bound by tragedy and shrouded in secrecy. Specializing in intel gathering and recon, they haven't forgotten the lessons they've learned from before the collapse, but are agile enough to respond and adapt to the horrors of the new world.

  • 2011 PFM

    7 /8

    Zack [APM] looks for survivors in Raven Creek
    Life, Identity

    After joining American Providence, Zack takes over Kaiser, unknown to the rest of providence, heading to Raven Creek to scout for potential survivors, hoping to get them to join him, instead running into bandits and getting nearly killed.

  • 2011 PFM

    28 /11

    Luxrain [APM] Assassinates Antlers [LBMW]
    Life, Death

    in retaliation to past events and recon missions, Tico orders his sniper Luxrain to expunge the life of the Network leader known as Antlers, a radio man capable of persuading many through the radio and his words, to prevent him running the Network name into the ground with hostile takeover of Kentucky

  • 2011 PFM

    29 /11

    Zack/Kaiser [APM] commits suicide
    Life, Death

    After the assassination of Antlers [LBMW], Kaiser [APM] sneaks out of the APM base to Bedford to tell Trucker [LBMW] everything, the truth, who he is, after Kaiser receives comments meant for Zack, Kaiser rushes back to their old base and takes their life so Zack cannot harm anyone again.

    Luxrain [APM] follows Kaiser back to their old base and unloads 100 rounds into Kaiser for the atrocities they let happen between the two rivaling groups.

  • 2011 PFM

    9 /12

    The Network mourns the loss of Antlers Swift
    Political event

    The remaining Network members cremate Antlers Swift, scattering the ashes from the roof of LBMW so that they may join the airwaves they loved. This is followed by a memorial broadcast in which Leko tells the word about APMs murder of Antlers and Kaisers betrayal. Leko calls for Kentucky to stand up to APMs authority.

  • 2011 PFM

    10 /12
    2011 PFM

    24 /12

    American Providence and The Network go to war
    Military: War

    There is no other option than to follow through with the seeds both parties have sowed. Both factions face the music and suffer their consequences.

  • 2011 PFM

    23 /12

    Alastor [APM] dies to the hoards attracted by the bombings
    Life, Death

    With no available backup nearby, Alastor gets surrounded and consumed by the hoard of undead arriving at the doorstep of Bedford.

  • 2011 PFM

    23 /12

    Kole [LBMW] dies to multiple gunshot wounds
    Life, Death

    After getting into a head on collision, Kole takes multiple gunshot wounds to the body after disembarking the stolen Bushmaster at the entrance of Bedford Falls.

  • 2011 PFM

    23 /12

    Patches [LBMW] dies to loss of blood
    Life, Death

    It is unknown exactly where and when Patches dies, but his fate leaves Mix in a rampage and empowers Mix to hunt APM down with their armored personnel carrier.

  • 2011 PFM

    24 /12 01:00

    Mix [LBMW] bleeds out behind the wheel
    Life, Death

    After receiving multiple gunshot wounds and lacerations, Mix powers deep into town before keeling over behind the wheel

  • 2011 PFM

    24 /12 02:00

    Tico [APM] dies to unknown causes
    Life, Death

    Tico's last known words over the radio are "please don't come back.. FUCK!" and his transmissions end for good.

  • 2011 PFM

    24 /12 03:00

    American Providence Dissolves

    With the leader of APM dead, the remaining survivors flee Kentucky never looking back to their old lives.