Arakan Tiger

The Arakan Tiger, or Giant Tiger, is a very large predatory cat that is found all along the Arak Coast.  Hunting from the alpine fringe to the shores of The Eastern Sea, these cats are very solitary hunters, rarely seen by anyone other than their victims.

Basic Information


Very large predatory felid, most weighing more than 700 lbs and reaching an over-all length of nearly 12'.  Robust bodies with a thick striped orange-black fur and a tail that is almost half their body length.  4" retractible claws, 5" canine fangs and able to reach top speeds of 25 mph.

Genetics and Reproduction

Litters are two to three cubs per year, able to leave the den by three months.  They remain with their mothers for the first year of their life, learning to hunt and live from her.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pure carnivores, hunting many types of prey.  Sheep, goats, cattle, horses, deer, elk, and other herbivores.  Also known to prey on Carnifex when the opportunity presents.  Rather infamous for their habit of aquiring a taste for Human flesh, which once gained will drive the tigers to hunt nothing else until there are no more Humans to eat.

Biological Cycle

Solitary hunters, pairing up only to mate.  Females raise their young for one year before pushing them out of the den to make their own way in the world.


Solitary, ambush predators.  Very cautious in their habits and very rarely encountered unaware.  They are one of the most difficult large animals to hunt, as their perception abilities are typically far greater than those of the hunters.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Furs and pelts are very, very valuable.  Meat is edible but not preferred by any culture.

Average Intelligence

Cunning beasts with a long memory and a sure sense of taste and smell.  Once an Arakan Tiger has a taste for Humans, it wants to hunt nothing else.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent vision, exceptional sense of smell and very accute hearing.  Stong sensory ability gained through their padded feet, as well, allowing them to sense vibrations in the ground near them.
A particularly large male Arakan Tiger on the banks of the Karn River.
Scientific Name
Panthera Tigris Gigantis
Average Weight
Many reach a weight of nearly 800 lbs
Average Length
Large males can reach lengths of more than 12' nose-to-tail.
Geographic Distribution