City of Wessfall

Wessfall is the seat of the Barony of Wessfall and the second largest city in the barony behind Hotsloth.  It is positioned at the junction of the Wessloth River and the Caldar River, and is the hub of a staggering amount of traffic and trade.  Its 12,000 inhabitants are mostly Human, with a community of Halflings on or near the rivers number about 1,000.


Humans 10,500 (88%) Halflings 1,000 (8%) Dwarves and Gnomes 500 (4%)


The City is the seat of the Barony of Wessfall and the Baron's Keep is located here.  The day-to-day running of the city is typically left to the Briar of Wessfall, Elyas Prowd.

Industry & Trade

The Wessloth River moves hundreds of tons of produce and products each week to and from the western interior of Imesse and it all moves through Wessfall.  Shipping, hauling and passenger traffic are huge revenue generators for the City and the Barony as a whole.


Wide paved streets, stout city walls, and many ornate fountains make the city a particularly attractive place to be.
View across the Caldar River from Wessfall.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization