Waterside District, Hotsloth

Waterside is a port district in the City of Hotsloth that fronts the waters of the Caldar River.  It is a long stretch of waterfront, running almost 2 miles from the mouth of the Hotsloth River northeast and downstream.   Most of the riverbank has been covered in stone wharfs and piers to accommodate the vast amount of cargo traffic that moves into and out of the City.  There are rather steep bluffs that begin to rise just a few dozen yards from the river's edge, so streets are narrow and buildings are far taller than they are deep.  Two streets parallel to the water's edge have been cut into the bluffs to allow for as much building and storage space as possible, but these streets are even more narrow than the front street on the water and do not accommodate more than handcarts and foot traffic.    Waterside is a rough neighborhood, ill-lit at night and never getting very good sunlight during the day.  Because the streets are narrow and very steep, it is not well patrolled by the City Watch and what is patrolled is often ignored.
Typical street in Waterside.
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