Brock am Ohnni

Baron Brock am Ohnni (a.k.a. Longshanks)

Brock am Ohnni is the sitting Baron of Wessfall. He is a young and energetic leader, an excellent cavalryman, and a seasoned fighter.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very tall, very strong, and an accomplished tournament fighter.

Facial Features

Long blonde hair, light brown eyes, and a fair complexion tell everyone he has Colian heritage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brock is a driven leader. He was raised in an ancient noble family that were once kings of Imesse. His mother, however, is a wealthy princess from Colo who was wed to Brock's father as part of a hostage agreement with King Max I in an attempt to build a trade agreement. This has made advancement for Brock difficult as he has come of age. His long blonde hair and obvious height let everyone know he is not "of the blood".


Contacts & Relations

Brock is building relationships with nobles and influential people on the southern banks of the Caldar, because he wants the success and prosperity in his barony that he sees there.

Family Ties

With royal blood on flowing in his veins from both his father and his mother, Brock has many ties and associations across the north of Imesse, and beyond.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Maranonic faith
Aligned Organization