Colian (cole-ian)

Colo is a confederation of tribes and clans united by language, faith and culture that exists in the northern forests and mountains beyond the frontiers of Imesse.  It is a large, loosely defined area stretching from the border of Imesse to the Silverwine River, and from the far western steppes to the Eastern Sea.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Family and clan associations are most clearly delineated by the addition of dal- as a prefix to an ancestral name, or -auk as a suffix to an ancestral name.  Thus, Brandan Dalnyall is understood as Brandan, son/descendant of Nyall.  Sitric Olanauk is understood as Sitric, of the tribe of Olan.


Major language groups and dialects

Colians speak a common tongue that is very closely related to Fangorian.  So closely related that it is fairly obvious that the two tongues come from a shared root language that originated somewhere far to the east.

Shared customary codes and values

Colians place a very large emphasis on the importance of hospitality in their daily lives.  Charity amongst your community is an important aspect of community life.  When a family is in need of assistance, neighbors pitch in to assist.  When someone knocks on a door during a storm looking for shelter, even strangers, shelter is provided.  When danger threatens, communities will band together to assist each other in defense.
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