Benroty Clan (ben-roddy)

The Benroty Clan is a large confederation of families and tribes from the western region of the country of Colo. It is centered on the fortified hill city of Rotrishold. The name, Benroty, literally means "from Rotris" and refers to the founder of the Clan that lived more than 800 years ago.   The current chief, or Ryuri of the clan is Rory Benroty, a 65-year-old Human. He has ruled as Ryuri for 19 years, and is fondly regarded by his clansmen. He won great renown during the invasion by Imesse nearly 20 years earlier, a war that took the life of his father, Rowan Benroty.   The Benroty are a fiercely proud and independent people, and are a traditional rival to the other large and very influential clans of Colo, including the Dalnyall Clan and the Benkory Clan. With a significant amount of their traditional territorial holdings bordering Imesse, independence and territorial security are prime motivators for the Benroty leadership.


A close-knit association of families and clans under the leadership and administration of the Ryuri Benroty, Rory Benroty.


The Benroty Clan control and exploit a particularly iron-rich region.  In fact, some of the finest iron ores can be found coming from this territory, and as a result, the Benroty have gained a high reputation as exceptional iron- and steel-smiths.  Known locally as cruach cleeave, the regionally produced sword steel is highly sought after for a thousand miles around as both durable and corrosion-resistant.


The Benroty Clan have been a powerful faction in Colian politics and economics for more than 400 years. In 35 AF, Gundar Benroty defeated and executed King Matar am Ohnni of Imesse to end the First Northern War. In 213 AF, Imesse again invaded Colo during the Second Northern War, and Rory Benroty played a significant role in that conflict.

Demography and Population

Almost entrely Human, with a very few Halfling communities located on near the major rivers of the territory. Primarily an agrarian society, with little actual industry aside from mining,  logging, farming and some large quarry operations. To the western areas of the territory, there are a number of small, fortified communities that still operate an active trade in slaves as their primary means of income.


The territory ruled by the Benroty consists of more than 6,200 square miles of low mountains and rugged hills and several lush and productive river plains surrounding a high central prairie.  The territory is almost completely surrounded by rivers with another (the Lodgewateer River) running between the hill country and the high prairies.  The southern portions of the region border the Crown Lands of Northern Imesse, which is land directly controlled and governed by the High King himself.  This is a particuarly vulnerable frontier for the Benroty, as twice in the last 200 years Colo has been invaded by Imesse in very costly and bloody conflicts that still linger in the Clan's memory.


Every community, farm and town in the Benroty territory worships Maranon, the creator god of the Maranonic Faith.  The practice of other faiths by travelers or visitors isn't forbidden, but no resident member of the Clan would ever be caught practicing any other religion that that of Maranon and his Song of Life scripture.

Foreign Relations

No official relations exist between the Benroty Clan and the neighboring Kingdoms of Imesse, outside of a regular (almost routine) cycle of raiding, pillaging and cattle rustling from both sides of the border.  In general, the Benroty Clan has very good relations with the clans further to the west and north, but poor associations with clans to the east.
The symbol of the Benrot Clan is the black lotus flower.
Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Family Leader
Mark (1g) = 10 Punt (1s) = 10 Pfenig (1p)
Parent Organization
Notable Members
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