Commandery Desut

The Commandery Desut is the regional fortress for the Order of the Swords of Heaven in the County of Killmor. It is located just outside the city walls of the City of Desut in the southern portion of the County.   The Commandery is an old fortress, built a generation before the Ten Winter War 126 years ago. It was sacked and abondoned after the war, and then gifted to the Order by the noble family that once lived there. In the more than one hundred years since, much improvements have been made to the fortress, but the age of the structure is still plainly evident. One such improvement was the consruction of a small temple within the walls of the Commandery. A rather simple rectangular building 30' by 54' surrounded by high walls and four stout towers, the two-story temple can't be seen from outside the fortress due to the height of the curtain walls.   The garrison of the Commandery consists of 21 sworn Knights, their squires and pages, and 55 men-at-arms. 97 trained and armed men defend the castle in total, all under the watchful eye of the Commander of the Order Knights, Guy Bourbon.

Purpose / Function

Primary stronghold of the Order of the Swords of Heaven within the County of Killmor.  Tasked with the defense and protection of the adherents to the Pantheon of Heaven faith in the entire region and the sites and sanctuaries associated with the faith.


The score of Knights that reside at the Commandery are a hardened group of veteran fighters and are led by an exceptional swordsman with a talent for tactics.  These knights train regularly with each other and welcome the opportunity to test their skills against other fighters that might choose to visit the fortress.


Gatehouse, curtain walls and many towers are all original to the construction of the castle more than 150 years earlier.  Since becoming a fortress of the Faith, many improvements and additions have been made, giving the Commandery a unique appearance.


High stout walls, well-designed and well-constructed towers, a formidable gatehouse with multiple levels of defense, all built on an outcrop of solid bedrock.  Large cisterns have been carved into the bedrock and are filled by deep, cold springs of fresh clear water.  Properly supplied and stocked with provisions, the COmmandery can withstand a seige of considerable length with relative ease.


As a bastian against the possibility of an orc invasion from the far south, the Commandery is an open refuge to anyone seeking aide or shelter in times of danger, and members of the faith are always welcome to visit, pray and eat within its walls.
The gatehouse and east wall of the Commandery Desut
Owning Organization
Characters in Location