Pantheon of Heaven

The most practiced faith of Humans.  It is a classic pantheon reminiscent of the Olympian pantheon.  Individual gods are worshiped by anyone wishing to gain favor or intercession from any particular god or goddess.


Worship of the Pantheon of Heaven happens in buildings known as temples, each temple having one or more dedicated priests or priestesses.  Temples vary in design and concept according to local traditions and practices, ranging from huge and ornate to simple and small.  In addition to temples, there are associated Orders of adherents that practice a codified and structured life centered around the practice of the faith.  These Orders often fill specific roles within the faith community, such as schools, hopitals, military orders and semi-monastic communities.

Divine Origins

According to the faith of the Pantheon of Heaven, the universe was created from the actions of many great elemental dragons, cosmic in size and strength.  From these actions a new god was created, named Ayunis, and Ayunis slew the dragons and claimed the heavens for himself.  From the bodies of the dragons he made a wife, and with her he brought into existence all the other gods.


There are established priesthoods for all of the Pantheon of Heaven. Each is structured similarly, but all have unique attributes and facets that make them all recognizable.   Every temple will have a high priest/priestess, responsible for ensuring proper devotion and ritual in regards to worship. Within every temple will be other priests/priestesses to assist the high priest/priestess. Every temple will have an underground vault or crypt where the tombs of past priests can be laid to rest, along with the votive offerings (often very valuable items and coins) collected in the name of the gods.   Large Temples will have an Ecclesiast at its head, while Grand Temples will have a Grand Ecclesiast.  Above all other priests, however, are the Hagiarchs who wield the supreme authority within the Faith.