County of Killmor

The County of Killmor is a large political division of the Kingdom of Aria, currently ruled by the Count Domin Laclaire.   The county is large, just under 21,000 square miles (twice the size of the State of Vermont), with most of its northern border on the Arial River and its southern border being the frontier of the nation, with only the mighty Arak Mountains to its south. Through the heart of the county is the Arukill River, which is navigable for more than 110 miles all the way to the Arial River.   The county has a population of 126,000 souls, and 65,000 of them are Halflings. Communities of Halflings have grown up all along the Arukill, and dozens have been established around the four great primeval forests of the county. Rare, ancient hardwoods are carefully harvested alongside tens of thousands other common trees used every day all across the Kingdom. Hundreds of square miles of busy and productive farms exist all along the center spine of the river, producing thousands of tons of food, fodder, livestock, and textile resources every season.


Ruled by Domin Laclaire in the name of the King of Aria. The county is further divided into four viscounties and each viscounty is divided into bailies, all ruled as vassals of the Count.  The County is divided into near quarters, with each quarter being a nearly equal sized viscounty.

Demography and Population

65,000 Halflings, 58,000 Humans, and 3,000 Dwarves and Gnomes.  Most Halflings are found in the many bailiages along the Arukill River and near the four great forests.  Many can also be found in farm and ranch communities all throughout the vast prairies and grasslands of the county.   There are three large and wildly successfull marble quarries located on the eastern bluffs of the Arial River, near the border with the County of Daynmor.  These quarries are operated by two large communities of Dwarves and Gnomes at significant profit.
The rolling prairies of the County of Killmor
Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories