Foray d'If

The Foray d'If is a huge, 1,200 square mile primordial forest on the southern edge of the County of Killmor. It is a deep, dark and largely unexplored forest containing some of the oldest yew trees known to exist anywhere. There are a dozen known specimens that are confidently estimated to be at least 4,000 years old, and perhaps much, much older.   The name translates as Forest of Yew, and while it is not a forest of exclusively yew trees, it is the yew that makes this particular forest unique. There is a lichen that grows only on the oldest of these trees that has an odd blue color and is a vital component in most magical healing potions. Called Yew Beard, this lichen is carefully and jealously tended and harvested by the Halfling communities in and around the forest, where it is then carefully shipped out at significant expense to ensure its safe transportation. This commodity is a very valuable resource and a huge source of income for these communities and the County as a whole.


1,200 square miles of dense, old-growth forest made up of yew, oak, ash, hickory and maple.  Rolling expanses of hills and dales make travel inside the forest difficult, and much of the forest has a near solid canopy that means little to no undergrowth is able to grow in large regions of the area.

Fauna & Flora

Known to be the residence of a large population of very, very old Treants . Some of these ancient creatures have made themselves known to the local Halfling communities, and a rough agreement has been reached: no harm comes to the most ancient groves of yew, and no interference is presented by teh treants to the Halfling harvest of the outside regions of the forest. It is the presence of these treants that have made the forest a haven in the event of an Orc invasion, as even the most rabid Orc won't enter the forest for fear of encountering these fierce defenders of the forest.
An example of one of the ancient yews of the Foray d'If, this one at least 3,700 years old.
Alternative Name(s)
Forest of the Old Yew
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
Related Materials