Gardner Inn

The Gardner Inn is the only inn within Oakfield. It is owned and operated by Sami Gardner, a 50-year-old Halfling.  Sami is a quiet and reserved innkeep, and won't allow loud singing or laughing or arguing in his establishment.  He will allow the occasional game of draughts or kings table, as long as no one gets rowdy.   The inn has 10 rooms for rent, and offers a meal at breakfast, midday and evening.  All meals cost a shilling, come in large portions and are served with a huge mug of beer or ale or cold, clear water.  The inn has no stables, but there is a stable and farrier right across the road.   Sami runs the inn with the help of his widowed sisters and their children.  His only hired help is a Human the locals call "Thick Will".  Thick Will stands very near 7' tall, weighs an easy 300 lbs (with not an ounce of fat to his name) and has never spoken a word that anyone has ever heard.  To the best of anyone's knowledge, the giant man is a mute who only responds or acts when Sami directs him.
The Gardner Inn in Oakfield
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