Town of Oakfield

The Town of Oakfield is the seat of the Shire of Oakfield and home to nearly 1,800 of its residents.  It was established as a town nearly 80 years ago, and has a busy and profitable lumber and timber industry.  Small farms and garden plots dot the area outside the walls of the town, and timber outfits and lumber mills are scattered throughout the surrounding forest.   The town is led by Liam Tully, the Sherriff of Oakfield Shire.  The Sherriff operates out of a stone blockhouse near the center of the town, and he has the town Watch stationed there, as well.  The town is protected by a thick stone wall, 20' high and (in some places) 20' thick studded with seven round towers standing 35' high.  There are two large gatehouses, to the east and the west, with stout oak gates and iron portcullises.  Each gatehouse has a double tower and is manned constantly by 40 Rangers.   There is a spring-fed stream flowing through the middle of the town and out through a channel cut deep under the southern wall.  Cold, clear ponds dot the streambed and artisian wells feed stone fountains dotted throughout the interior of the town.

Industry & Trade

Timber harvest is the principal industry, with lumber production, hunting and trapping, and nut and berry harvesting also profitable ventures.


Main streets are cobbled with stone and gravel, some alleys and side streets are mulched with sawdust and treebark.  Homes are typically stone first stories, and wooden upper stories.  Windows are small and shuttered with oak.

Points of interest

Oakfield has a large Holy House just outside the East Gate.  The only inn within the town is the Gardner Inn, which offers rooms, meals, supplies and baths.  Oakfield is only a scant mile from the Old Father Oak, an ancient and massive living oak tree that is (literally) thousands of years old.  It is located to the west of the town and many festivals and holidays are celebrated there throughout the year.   Several miles west of the town there is a treant grove where more than a dozen mature treants are tending several acres of very special trees.  Shire and town residents know that venturing near that region is incredibly dangerous, and no harvesting of trees is ever allowed within miles of that grove.  One mature treant is dangerous, but a dozen angry treants are a force of nature that could destroy the shire.


Oakfield is carved out of a massive and ancient hardwood forest, the Old Oak Chase.  To the west of the town the ground rises in a series of rolling, tree-covered hills, beyond which the Chase carries on for another 700 square miles.
  A view of Oakfield looking west into the Old Oak Chase.
Founding Date
153 AF
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization