Shire of Oakfield

The Shire of Oakfield is located south of Redstone County. It is located mostly in a dense old-growth forest of ancient oaks, elms and hickory covering low rolling hills called Old Oak Chase. Amidst its broad overgrowth are vast herds of elk, bison and deer and nearly endless flocks of pheasant, partridge, doves and wild geese and ducks. Hares and rabbits abound, the trees are full of squirrels and the forest floor is rich with mushrooms and truffles. The Town of Oakfield is one of the smaller settlements in the Ward, with only 1,500 souls living in the forest community. There is a fast-flowing spring-fed brook that flows through the middle of the town, and several artesian wells pour clean, cold water from stone fountains within the town squares. The roads are tree-lined and sheltered by the branches of trees, covered in mulch from the many timber and lumber mills within the shire. The Sheriff of Oakfield is Liam Tully, an aged Halfling that has lived in Oakfield since it was founded as a shire more than 80 years ago.
Founding Date
152 AF
Geopolitical, County / March
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members
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