Giles Lothman

Lord Giles am Lothman

Giles Lothman was the former Head of the Noble House of Lothman and the Lord High Constable of Imesse for the last six years of King Maxin am Maxalli's reign as King of Imesse.  He is remembered as one of the most influential and politically powerful Lothmans in more than two centuries, expanding the holdings of the family greatly and ensuring a long and lasting flow of gold and silver into the Lothman coffers.


Family Ties

Giles' mother, Mona Delkonov, was a daughter of a very, very wealthy Junn Harr tribal chief and much of his personality and habits were influenced by her.  For his entire life, he was well known for favoring bold colors and patterns in his choice of clothing in the Junharric style, and he worked very hard to build and develop a strong association between his holdings on the frontier and the Junn Harr people to the west.

Wealth & Financial state

Giles was a very savy and successful adminstrator of his family's holdings, and he filled the coffers of the Lothman estates to bursting, ensuring a long and (sometimes) turbulent role in the politics of the Kingdom.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord High Constable from 166 AF to 172 AF
81 at his death
140 AF 221 AF 81 years old
Current Residence
Buried at the Grand Temple of Mordar
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization