Grenwich Gray

Grenwich Grays are a breed of sheep found in the western regions of the Duchy of Grenwich.  The breed is highly prized for its fine, soft wool.  The Duchy has many herds of the breed, and the sheep count for the western areas exceeds 10,000 animals a year.   Conservative estimates on the revenue generated for the Duchy (and for the Duke) by the breed is well in excess of 10,000 guilders annually.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wool is renowned for its soft, fine texture and its unrivaled ability to shed water.  Where a typical market bale (120 lbs) of average raw wool brings about 3 guilders (3g) each, a bale of Grenwich Gray routinely fetches 6 guilders (6g) or more.  The sheep also produce a high quality wool grease that is a prized ingredient in medicinal and cosmetic ointments and salves.
Several ewes of the Grenwich Gray breed on the prairies of Lesser Imesse
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