Kingdom of Lesser Imesse

The Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is a political division of the High Kingdom of Imesse. It was created in 207 AF when King Max I divided the kingdom between his twin sons. Max II became High King of Imesse, with direct rule over the north, and Mak I became King of Lesser Imesse, swearing fealty to Max II.   Two years later, Mak I died and his son, Mak II took the throne at Southridge. He is 42 years old and has proven to be a competent and just leader. His policies and appointments have led to an economic boom that has brought much prosperity to the Kingdom, and bred much resentment in the north, where the economy is lagging far behind that of the south.


Mak II rules Lesser Imesse as an independent Kingdom under the pledge of fealty to the High King Max III, his cousin. Mak rules over a large country made up of various political divisions (duchies, baronies, domains and briaries), and is himself the lord of the single largest tract of land in the Realm.


Lesser Imesse is a vast and growing multicultural society.  Halflings, Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes all live and work side-by-side to build, maintain and defend the Realm.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Lesser Imesse has a total poulation of 744,000 souls.  There are more than 440,000 Humans, 260,000 Halflings, and 38,000 Dwarves and Gnomes.  The largest Halfling populations live along the Caldar River, from the Barony of Mull in the south to the mouth of the Caldar River on the Eastern Sea.  The Crown Lands hold the largest population of Dwarves with more than 8,000 living and working along the mineral-rich hills of the Molis River Valley.


The territory of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is everything south and east of the Caldar River to the Eastern Sea, and north of the Teeth of the North (a line of truly ancient standing stones stretching from the Great Bend of the Caldar east to the Bay of Grenwich). It is just more than 246,800 square miles in area, or nearly the size of the States of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota combined.


The Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is a feudal society.  As such, the means by which it raises its armies in times of crisis or attack is by calling the Dukes, Barons and lords of the lands to muster their vassals and march to war.  Very few of these regional powers maintain standing forces of arms of any significance.  Thus, the time required to field a large army is sometimes measured in months.  None the less, given enough time and impetus, the Kingdom could (in theory) muster a force of as many as 80,000 Horse, Foot and Archers.

Trade & Transport

The Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is experiencing an economic boom.  Resources are flowing, agriculture and industry are strong, taxes are low and profits are high.  The Kingdom has record-level revenues mostly stemming from rationally-based tolls and taxes.  Goods from the Kingdom are pouring out into the broader world in ever growing numbers.  As a result of this economic prosperity, the value of a southern Imessian shilling is significantly higher than the value of a northern Imessian shilling.  Rumors of debased silver coinage being produced in several northern mints has made southern trade with northern coin very questionable.
The mighty Caldar River, near Lomansloth