Duchy of Grenwich

The Duchy of Grenwich is a division of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse, located in the far southeast corner of the kingdom.  It is bounded by Aria to the south, the Eastern Sea along the coast, and the Duchy of Ben Doa to the north.  There is also the Barony of Loman Dur located on the coast completely surrounded by the Duchy of Grenwich.   Grenwich sees a significant amount of trade both by sea and by land.  Located along the border with Aria (defined by the Teeth, as the border is known in Aria), two major routes follow the coast between the two nations, and several major routes move north and west further into Imesse.  Grenwich itself is a large coastal port that sees hundreds of ships a month come and go.   The Duke of Grenwich is Dogar am Lanni, the first titled Duke.  He was invested with the title after his participation in the aftermath of the war with Colo.


The Duke rules absolutely in the name of the King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II.  He has many appointed officials to assist him in this.


The Duchy is a coastal division, with several prime harbors and many hundreds of square miles of pasture and farmland.


Formerly part of the Royal Domains of Lesser Imesse, the Ducy was formed from four large briaries located around the then Barony of Grenwich in 217 AF.  To the irritation of the Duke, the Barony of Loman Dur was not included in the grant, but remained the holding of Lomain am Lomanni.

Demography and Population

The Duchy has a population of 48,000 people. 16,000 of those live in the city of Grenwich itself.   There are several large communities of Halflings living in the interior along the rivers.  About 1,500 Dwarves wive within the duchy, working various mines and quarries.

Foreign Relations

The Duchy is on very good terms with the County of Aramor, in regards to trade and travel.  There are two stone bridges that cross the Dentwater River (Eau d'Dents or Teeth River, in Arian) and allow for a prodgious amount of cart and wagon traffic to come overland from Aramor.  The Duke keeps a full Regiment of Lancers on the Grenwich-side of each bridge.
The Castle of Grenwich, seat of the Duke
Founding Date
217 AF
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities