Hanlon am Ahmi

His Grace, Duke Hanlon am Ahmi

Hanlon am Ahmi was the Duke of Ben Doa from 135 AF until his death in 178 AF.  He was the father of Hamlin am Ahmi, the last of the founding Ahmi branch to rule the Duchy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Duke Harlon died in a hunting accident in 135 AF, his 25-year-old son, Hanlon, became the Duke of Ben Doa.  He was a popular leader, showing genuine care and affection for his subjects.  He was known far and wide as a fair and just lord, and was especially remembered for his affinity for low taxes.   In the spring of 146 AF, the Kingdom was attacked by a large and particularly aggressive horde of nearly 30,000 Orcs.  King Lothar am Maxalli called for every available man and horse to help defend the western regions of the Kingdom, and Hanlon answered that call with a contingent of 3,500 foot and 2,000 horse.
68 at his death
110 AF 178 AF 68 years old
Aligned Organization