
Koricshall is the primary residence and work place of the Ryuri Benkory, Connar Benkory. It is a very large and imposing structure built at the extreme eastern end of the rampart walls that surround the city of Koricshold.   The castle is built on a short promontory that juts out into the Eastern Sea. It consists of a large, flat, walled enclosure with a complex of tall square towers within it. These towers comprise the home of the Ryuri.   From a distance, the walls and towers of Koricshall look bright and newly constructed (which they are), but they are not overly decorated and the entire structure is quite utilitarian in its design and esthetic. This impression changes dramatically once one enters the keep, however. Inside, the rooms are panelled in exotic woods, wtih carpets, tapestries, paintings and statues deocrating nearly all the rooms. Tall windows face the sea and bring in great swaths of light. Cold stone floors are covered in warm hardwoods and plush rugs. Furniture is finely made and richly guilded. The keep was built with the latest designs in chimneys and ventilation, and great stone fireplaces containing roaring turf and wood fires.


Clean, finished grey limestone construction with square towers and high walls.  Utilitarian, even spartan, from the outside but oppulently appointed inside.


Built less than 50 years earlier by Connar's grandfather, the castle incorporates many design features not tpically found in older buildings, including chimneys, glazed arched windows, heated floors and flushable latrines in the living areas.
A view of Koricshall looking to the west  
A view of the great Benkory Chamber of Koricshall
Parent Location
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