La Donjon

La Donjon is the seat of government for the County of Daynmor and is the primary residence of the Count of Daynmor, Alban Magnier and his family.  It is an ancient tower keep, with a deep walled enclosure surrounding it.  At one time, this wall was surrounded itself by a wet moat, but that defensive measure has been abandoned and the moat mostly filled in.

Purpose / Function

The primary residence of the Count of Daynmor and the seat of government for the County and City of Daynmor.


The old tower of the original Keep is the home of the Count, while a large square tower located on the southern wall not far from the main gatehouse (called King's Tower) is where the County government holds all its official business.  The appointed city official, titled Maire, has his residence and offices and staff in another building within the castle called le Palais.  Le Palais is a rather small, squat building with few windows and only two doors and is barely two stories tall.  It does have, however, extensive cellars, vaults and tunnels beneath it that account for a sizable portion of the building's overall interior.  it is here that all City business is run that would require the Maire to officiate.


The old tower was damaged extensively 118 years ago during the last Orc war, and it has not been fully resotred even today.  There are still large sections of the tower walls that are constructed of wood and brick material after the original stonework was destroyed or damaged by the orc hordes.  The building remains sound, and its interior rooms are actually quite cozy, even oppulent in areas, but the difference in construction materials gives the structure a very unique look from the outside.
The old tower of La Donjon in Daynmor.
Founding Date
45 BF (278 years ago)
Alternative Names
The Keep
Parent Location
Owning Organization