County of Daynmor

The County of Daynmor is a large division of the Kingdom of Aria. It is located in the extreme southeast of the country, with 160 miles of its southern edge consisting of the frontier with the rugged and dangerous Arak Mountains and 180 miles of its northern edge fronting the Gulf of Arial and the Eastern Sea. Many consider Daynmor to be the rugged frontier of Aria, and it has been ravaged by war many times since the Kingdom was founded.   The Count of Daynmor is Alban Magnier, a 58-year-old man of great wealth and ability.  His family has ruled the County for more than 190 years, and have seen much death and destruction over those two centuries.


The County is divided into two Viscounties.  Each of these Viscounties has a number of walled settlements known as "fortress cities" and each of these cities supports a series of castles located within 20 miles of the southern Arian border.  This is to provide the County of Daynmor with a means of warning the larger population of a large attack and to slow that attack down long enough to afford unprotected civilian populations time to flee to safer ground.  Estport and Tourville are the two eastern-most examples of fortress cities.


The population of Daynmor takes great pride in their defensive accomplishments, and are proud to be Arians and subjects of the King of Aria.  They see themselves as defenders of the Kingdom and its people.


Just over 100 years ago, a massive Orc invasion devestated the County and its populus. The effects of that invasion are still being felt, and it is plain to see that the region has not fully recovered, even after a century.

Demography and Population

The population of the County is 95,000 souls, and just over 50,000 of those are Humans.  There are large communities of Halflings along the major rivers and the coastline, and several small communities of Dwarves that are building productive and profitable mining operations in the mountains of the far east.  The largest city is the capital, Daynmor, with 28,000 people living and working a primarily sea-based lifestyle.


The County is very large, nearly 11,000 square miles in area, or about the same size as the State of Massachusetts. It has many hundreds of miles of fertile plains, dense ancient forests and high rugged mountains, all being actively worked to produce the resources needed to make the County a powerful organ of the Arian nation.


Since the end of the Ten Winter War (the Toshbuzzut Invasion of 107 AF) in 118 AF, the Counts of Daynmor and its people have lived in fear of another 120,000 orc horde raging across their lands. To protect the County, the Counts of Daynmor have maintained some level of standing army in defiance of long-established Arian law that forbids the levying of an army by anyone other than the King. Under the current Count Alban Magnier, Daynmor can field a force of three Dwarven Legions, four Regiments of Heavy Cavalry and four Regiments of Heavy Foot with as little as eight days warning.
A view of a canal in the City of Daynmor
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
The County controls a vast area of land and coast, comprised of many various landforms, including the Nordarak Mountains, Vielle Forait, Gran Forait, the Eau del'Est and the fortifications at the narrowest point of the mouth of the Arial River.
Parent Organization
Notable Members