Lord Chancellor of Lesser Imesse

The Lord Chancellor of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is one of the highest offices in the Kingdom.  The Chancellor is ultimately responsible for the collection and distribution of all revenues from all corners of Lesser Imesse.  He is also required to see that all offices and appointments within the government are filled and functioning effectively and efficiently at all times.  The Lord Chancellor holds a key seat on the King's High Council and his duties keep him busy from before sunrise to well into the night, every day of the week.   The current Lord Chancellor is


Named by the King


Responsible for the administration of all the Kingdom's revenues and expenses.  Effectively in control of more than 3 million gold guilders every year, as well as contracts, grants, monopolies, collecting and distributing taxes and gifts, appointments to high office and holds a seat on the High Council.


The office comes with a lordship and an annual stipend of 5,000 guilders, a residence and an immense amount of personal influence at Court.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Lord Chancellor
Length of Term
Serves at the pleasure of the King
Reports directly to