High Council, Kingdom of Lesser Imesse

The High Council of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse is the chief advisory council of the King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II. It is the equivalent of the Privy Council of the High Kingdom of Imesse, although the structure is a little different. The High Council has a full-time member from each of the constiuent divisions of the Realm, be it duchy, barony or Crownland. These members are always onhand to advise the King at any moment, and live within a few hours (at most) from the King's residence at City of Southridge.   The High Council is made up of appointed lords from all over the Realm. Titled lords include the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Exchequer, the Lord Steward of the Realm, the Briar of Southridge, the Briar of Molisloth, lords and knights from the Duchy of Lorancourt, Duchy of Grenwich, Duchy of Ben Doa, Barony of Beldoah, Barony of Jorick, Barony of Loman Dur, Barony of Minsloth, Barony of Mull, Barony of Wennick, and the Grand Ecclesiast of the Pantheon of Heaven, Piers Barret.
An informal meeting of the High Council at Southridge
Court, Royal
Alternative Names
Privy Council
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization