Marcel I Carrel

His Majesty, King Marcel Carrel

Marcel Carrel was King of Aria and the founder of the Royal House of Carrel that currently rules Aria.   Marcel Carrel was born a minor noble in the Kingdom of Aria the year 90 AF near the city of Manmor. He was knighted at the young age of 17 for his bravery and skill during a massive ord invasion that threatened the kingdom for the better part of a decade. Marcel's daring brought him into close association with the King's aide de camp, Hugo Arant, and the King was immediately taken with the brave young knight. In 110 AF, he was married to Renee Courbet, the oldest daughter of King Serge VIII.   As the war against the orc horde continued, the King's army was pushing the horde further and further back into the mountainous southern expanses of the County of Daynmor. In the summer of 117 AF, in a massive battle along a small river valley (now known as the Valley of Broken Swords), King Serge and 200 of his best knights were caught on the downhill slope of a hill all were killed. The horde was eventually defeated and over the course of the next season the last of the orcs were eliminated entirely. Both the King and his two sons, however, were dead. Marcel, the husband of the the dead King's eldest daughter, was named King and crowned upon his return to Malamor as Marcel Carrel, King of Aria.   Marcel ruled successfully for 18 years, dedicating much of that reign to rebuilding what 11 years of war and battle had destroyed in the southern regions of the Kingdom. He died after falling from a horse during a hunt at the age of only 46 years, and was succeeded by his son, Alain I.


Renee Courbet


Towards Marcel I Carrel


Marcel I Carrel


Towards Renee Courbet


46 at his death
90 AF 136 AF 46 years old
Renee Courbet (Wife)