
Grondi of Imarus, Mondoon

Mondoon is the current Grondi, or King of Imarus.  He is a Frost Giant, 166-years-old and has been Grondi for 39 years.  He lives in a huge palace of crystal and ice in the coastal city of Imar with his 11 wives and 41 children.

Physical Description

Special abilities

A fearless and (justly) famous hunter of some of the most dangerous game known to exist.

Apparel & Accessories

Mondoon is a famous hunter of Giant Kraken, Leviathan and White Dragons. He has fashioned his crown, known in the Frost Giant culture as his Horns of Power, from the horns of a monsterous dragon he killed with his bare hands, the hides of numerous Kraken and the teeth of a particularly great Leviathan that have been carved into intricate ornaments. He wears armor made of dragon scale and bone, and has a huge linked belt of silver plates for his waist.

Specialized Equipment

Mondoon has as his personal weapon a multi-faceted mace made of corundum.  It is a stone of unparalleled toughness and has been polished to a gem-like finish that sparkles with pink, blue, green and amber colors when exposed to sunlight.  The mace head is basicly round in shape, with the haft of the weapon running through the center of the head, which some have estimated to weigh 160 lbs.
Grondi Mondoon Imarus
Aligned Organization