White Dragon

White Dragons are a four-legged winged species of Dragon that live in the frozen far north.  They are markedly smaller than their other chromatic cousins in both length and weight, but they are renowned ambush predators that can attack without warning and with lightning-quick speed either from above or from the cold sea water where they frequently hunt.  They are determined hunters and attack with the intention of killing and eating their prey.  They do not waste time engaging in covnersations with their victims, nor do they seem to delight in prolonging the act of killing the way otehr chromatics do.   They have a breath attack of a clear, sticky liquid that freezes on contact and immobilizes or kills its victim.  It is thought that this frozen liquid helps to keep food fresh for the dragon in the event that it can't eat its prey immendiately, but this is not known for certain.  What is known is that a White Dragon is a consumate predator and attacks and kills with blinding speed whenever it is given an opportunity.

Basic Information


Large four-legged, winged dragons that live exclusively in the frozen wastes of the far, far north. Specially adapted to living their entire lives in freezing temperatures.

Biological Traits

Breathe attack is the expelling of a clear, viscous liquid fom the mouth that freezes almost instantly once it touches anything outside the dragon's body.  Liquid can be thrown in a cone of up to 50', and has no odor or taste.  If the ambient temperature is below freezing, the substance freezes upon contact and creates a rock-hard crust over the object in question, killing or immobilizing the victim until such time as the dragon chooses to eat it.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown, assumed to follow similar Draconidae patterns and habits, although several examples of large clutches of eggs (more than 8) have been found buried in ice and snow by dragon hunters over the years.  This would make the egg-laying of White Dragons the most prolific of the chromatic varieties.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unknown for certain, but the average size of an adult White Dragon is significantly smaller than all other chromatics, with the larger females weighing only 1,800 to 2,000 lbs and sporting an overall length of only 22' feet

Ecology and Habitats

Found only in the frigid far northern lands, hunting the coasts and valleys for the few warm-blooded meals they can hunt, as well as sea creatures along the coastal regions. Known to be hunted and consumed by both Storm Giants and Frost Giants regularly and are considered a particular delicacy to both.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores that hunt by stealth and ambush in solitary attacks.  Typical prey includes mammoths, mastadons, whales, dolphins, walrus, shark, young or injured kraken and leviathan, all types of humanoids and (of course) other dragons.

Biological Cycle

Like all Draconidae, White Dragons continue to grow for as long as they are alive.  The preferred lifestyle of a White makes a particularly large specimen a poor ambush hunter and swimmer and excess weight means that beyond the length of 35', they are unable to gain or maintain flight.  Thus, they are not usually found to live to a very great age, with the oldest known specimen living only just 200 years.


Also known as Ice Dragons, Cold Drakes and White Drakes, these beasts are viscious ambush predators that delight in the hunting and capture/killing of intelligent prey. They do not socialize with any other creatures, including other White Dragons, easily and (seemingly) cannot be bargained with.  They are some of the least social dragons of all the Draconidae family, living a solitary and seemingly very instinctual lifestyle.  Very adept swimmers and marine hunters, known to hunt young Kraken and Leviathan when the opportunity presents.  Able to catch and kill large whales and get them to shore where they will feed on the creature for days until it is entirely consumed.   White Dragons, as with all chromatic dragons, keep and protect a hoard.  In the case of Whites, that hoard consists of anything that the beast considers eye-catching and is usually something rare and white in color or reflective in nature.  Hoards of ivory, opals, diamonds, cut crystal, polished silver, even ornate glass mirrors or ropes of common pearls are jealously guarded by the dragons, usually behind thick layers of perfectly clear ice.  Something not actually hoarded by the dragon but commonly found near their feeding grounds are large quantities of Ambergris, usually discarded with the refuse of their kills from the sea.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Like all dragons, the various parts and pieces that make up the beast are quite valuable and much in demand.  Bones, meat, hide, claws, teeth, eyes, heart and blood are all sought after items in any market, but the real prize is the dragon oil harvested from glands on the beast's face, neck and tail.  This oil is sought after by potioners and healers for its curative and preserving properties when applied to skin wounds, especially burns or acid exposure.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Frozen lands and mountains to the far north.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, but famous for their collective reluctance to speak.  As a species, they seem to truly dislike verbal communication of any type.  Only the most enraged White Dragon will ever roar, and even when mortally wounded, they are stoicly silent in their death throes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptional eyesight, keen sense of smell, very poor hearing.  While in the water, they are able to taste the blood of injured prey from hundreds of yards away.
An unuasually large male White Dragon in the icy waste of the far north
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draconidae Albus Glacies
Limited only by size
Average Weight
1,600 lbs for males, as much as 2,000 lbs for females
Average Length
20' to 25' when adults
Average Physique
Slim, lean muscular bodies with an overly-muscular tail used as the primary means of swimming through the water.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White to light blue hides, blue membranous wings, white to blue horns and claws.