Morloth Arms

The Morloth Arms is a large and very old inn located in the City of Mordar.  It has been a functioning inn for nearly 300 years, and has been under the operation of the same family for more than 200 years.  The current owner is Rae Stoner, a 60-year-old Human woman.


Because of its rather dated design and layout, much of the first floor of the Arms is open to the weather.  While this is fine for mild summer days and nights, it is problematic during the rather long and cold winters that Mordar is known for.  Above this stout and ancient stone-built first floor are four additional floors of timber framed construction topped with a fine shingle roof.  Huge gables bring much needed light and air deep into the interior of the upper stories, and the roof is dotted with many large stone chimneys.  The inn has two large kitchens where veritable mountains of food are prepared every single day.  At the north end of the building, next to one of the large kitchen ovens, is a bathhouse where guests can wash in scalding hot baths of freshly-heated clean water pumped from a deep stone-lined well.

Special Properties

There is a 160-year-old stone-lined well next to the bathhouse where a chain pump is used to bring water up out of the well and into a large stone cistern located alongside the kitchen walls.  This cistern holds more than 11,000 gallons of clean, fresh water that can be used for drinking, bathing, laundry or any other purpose, and is gravity pressurized all through the first story of the inn.  Plumbing is lead and copper pipe throughout the building, bringing fresh water to simple spigots and taking waste away to the city's sewers.  No other building in 500 miles has this luxury feature included in its design.


As it currently stands, the Morloth Arms has a staggering 56 rooms for rent that can accomodate as many as 160 beds.  It has a stable with stalls for 40 horse and as many as 8 wagons.  It has two huge kitchens that produce food in abundance.  It has a fine heated bathhouse where as many as 10 guests can bathe at once.


Timber framed upper stories over a heavy stone first floor with many outer rooms open to the elements during the warmer seasons.  Glazed windows throughout, doors of thick polished oak.  Interior walls are white limed plaster lit with glassed oil lamps.  Floors are fine pine plank well caulked with oakum and scrubbed daily.  Kitchen floors are laid with heavy (400+ lbs) slate slabs and grouted with lime sand.


The Morloth Arms is a very old establishment.  Rooms have been let and meals served at this property for centuries.  Fires, wars and deveestation may have changed to look and feel of the Arms, but its character and history remain.  It has been owned by the Stoner family for more than 200 years, and in that time it has become the largest and busiest inn in the entire city.  In its current form, only the stone-built first story remains of any previous incarnation of the Arms, as the entire upper structure was destroyed utterly during the The Second Great Orc War of 146 AF.  The Stoners rebuilt the inn after the war was won, and many improvements were made to the previous buildings.  Fine chimneys now allow for many fireplaces to be had on multiple floors, windows are glazed with clear and colored glass, rain water is diverted and collected so the first story entrances remain dry even in bad weather.
A street view of the Morloth Arms, with the spires of River Tower in the background
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