Rae Stoner

Dame Rae Stoner

Rae Stoner is the owner of the Morloth Arms Inn in the City of Mordar.  She is a 60-year-old Human woman that is the heir to a significant fortune and holdings of the Stoner family of Mordar.   Rae is an immensely fat spinster with a reputation for a hot temper and no patience.  Her family has owned and operated the Arms for more than 200 years and have made (and lost) multiple fortunes over that same time period.  Rae has worked her entire life to bring the family busniess to its most successful point ever.  Annual profit from the operation of the Morloth Arms now exceeds 1,200 guilders ($400,000) and Rae provides work and wages for more than 40 people through the inn.  As dour as Rae can be, she pays well for good work and she pays in silver, every month.   In addition to the Morloth Arms, Rae owns a pig farm, a cattle interest, and a flock of very special sheep that she has carefully managed to procure (at great expense) from a shepherdess in the Ward of Rolar.  All these ancillary ventures are specifically intended to increase the productivity and profitability of the Arms.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rae has developed several relationships with businesses and leaders from the Kingdom of Cobal.  Cobal's recent economic successes have spurred Rae into trying to emulate that success in Mordar, and she has decided to use some of her significant wealth to do so.  Items, goods and materials used and sold at the Morloth Arms are as likely to have been imported from Cobal as they are from anywhere else, and what can't be imitated is simply imported at any cost.


Contacts & Relations

Rae has paid a vast sum of gold for eight sheep (two rams and six ewes) of the famous Fey Fold of the Ward of Rolar.  These sheep produce a wonderful fleece with very unique properties, and Rae hopes to build her own flock of rare and profitable sheep in the verdant hills south of Mordar.

Family Ties

Heir to a family fortune and legacy stretching back more than 200 years in the City of Mordar.  She is a respected business woman and a very influential person in the city and the region.

Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy, with an income from just the Morloth Arms of more than 1,200 guilders per year.
Current Location
Morloth Arms, Mordar
Aligned Organization