Odis Isenbar

Sir Odis Isenbar

Odis Isenbar is the only son and eldest child of Lord Harlon Isenbar, who died in the Second Northern War at the Battle of Nyallshold.   Odis is 44-years-old, 6'4" tall with wide shoulders and thick, muscular arms. He is an exceptional swordsman, an accomplished rider and is deadly with a longbow as far away as 300 yards. He is, however, not particularly bright. He can barely read, can only manage to write his name legibly, and speaks with a distinct stutter which gets worse as he gets excited or angry.  He is utterly devoted to his uncle, Lord Harris Isenbar, whom he sees as his adoptive father and the leader that will finally bring glory and honor to the noble House of Isenbar.   What he does not seem to understand, however, is that by the laws of the High Kingdom... he, Odis Isenbar, is the Lord of the House of Isenbar.  He is the eldest son of the eldest son and he was alive when his father and his grandfather died, making him the legitimate heir to the Isenbar fortune, not his uncle Harris.  Of course, he does not want the title or the responsibility and is perfectly willing to do whatever his uncle asks to help bring glory, honor and wealth to the Isenbar name.
Circumstances of Birth
His mother died during his birth
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations