Harris Isenbar

Lord Harris Isenbar (a.k.a. Harry)

Harris Isenbar is a noble from the far northwest of Imesse.  He is ruthless, ambitious and committed to seeing his family elevated within the Kingdoms no matter the cost.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stooped, thin and looks 10 years older than he actually is, but otherwise stands in good health.

Apparel & Accessories

Habitually wears a woven stole that is meant to remind people who see it of a ducal chain of office. In reality, it only serves to remind those he meets just how ambitious and fundamentally insecure he really is.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Harris was the younger of his father's two sons. His brother, Harlon Isenbar, was five years his senior and the heir to his father's lands. When in 213 AF, the call for swords was made to invade Colo by the Duke of Hekmo, Harlon answered while Harris stayed at his family's castle near Wessold on the Junn frontier.   Harlon was killed in the fighting at Nyallshold, placing his 24-year-old son Odis Isenbar as the heir to the family fortune.  However, Odis was also fighting in Colo and because of the massive confusion surrounding the Imessian defeat at Nyallshold, Harris assumed he, too, was dead and claimed the family title and fortune for himself.  Nearly a year later, when word of his nephew's survival reached Wessold Castle, Harris made sure all family assets and power were firmly in his control.  He took in his slow witted nephew as a son of his own, and has kept him loyal and close ever since.   Hearing songs and tales of his brother's bravery and sacrifice for the Kingdoms, Harris was sure he would be made a Duke to honor both his brother's actual efforts and his imagined ones. This did not happen, and still hasn't happened thirteen years (and a new High King) later.

Personality Characteristics


Harris determined to see his family elevated as high as it can go.  He is extremely bitter about being "passed over" by Max II when the King made both Lomain am Lomanni and Dogar am Lanni Dukes of the Realms over him.  It means little to him that he had done nothing to warrant the honors.

Likes & Dislikes

Harris hates Dukes Lomain and Dogar Lann, seeing them as beneath the offices and titles they now hold. He, and his entire family, work tirelessly to undermine and subvert the success that these two men have built.  He has an ongoing fued with the Noble House of Ahmi over the dishonor thrown at members of those houses during the Second Northern War.

Vices & Personality flaws

Harris is fully aware that his youngest son, Edris Isenbar has fallen completely in love with Lilyth Ahmi, the sister of Duke Leland am Ahmi of the Duchy of Ben Doa.  He has, never the less, utterly refused to even consider letting the man marry his love.  He has ordered his wife to arrange a "suitable" union for the wayward son that will further the family's interests... as he sees them.


Contacts & Relations

Harris is very close to Duke Turl am Nari, but he does not trust him, nor does Turl trust Harris.  He is also on very good terms with the King's mother, Queen Sabine.

Family Ties

Harris has two sons and a daughter, his wife of more than 40 years comes from an extremely wealthy and influential family, and the son of his dead older brother is devoted to him as the head of the Isenbar family.


Gruff, dismissive and aloof.  Truly sees himself as above nearly everyone he comes in contact with, including the young High King, Max III.


Werthina Loke


Towards Harris Isenbar


Harris Isenbar


Towards Werthina Loke


Harlon Isenbar


Towards Harris Isenbar


Harris Isenbar


Towards Harlon Isenbar


Wealth & Financial state

Harris is very wealthy, but he is not as wealthy as many, nor as wealthy as he feels he should be.  His lands are in the far north of the Kingdoms and are managed so poorly as to costing him more money than they are earning him.
Werthina Loke (Wife)
Harlon Isenbar (Brother)
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Ruled Locations