Oswyn Lovely

Oswyn Lovely is a 46-year-old Human that heads a crime syndicate he founded called the Lovelies.  Oswyn has a sordid past as a criminal, making a living as a hired killer, extortionist, arsonist, pirate, brigand and thug.  He is a known rapist and child killer, and has earned a brutal reputation over his 20 year career.   Operating out of the City of Hotsloth and residing primarily at a controlled brothel there called the Canal House, Oswyn has hold of the reins of a criminal organization that stretches along hundreds of miles of the Caldar River.  He leads the Lovelies operation that consists of dozens of Crews of between six and sixty ruffians and all led by Bosses that provide him with a constant stream of cash, goods and information.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oswyn was born the son of Oswald Lovell, a wealthy landowner and farmer from the Briary of Wessfall.  He was forced to list with the Briary levies during the Imesse - Colo War 20 years earlier, but ended up deserting the army and fleeing back to the Barony of Wessfall in disgrace.  It was during this time that he began his life of crime, crewing with a small pirate outfit that worked the Caldar River near the mouth of the Wessloth.   His rickety pirate boat was caught one night, and he barely managed to escape while his fellow pirates were all either killed in the fight or hung afterwards.  He then took up a life of theft and assault in the streets and alleys of Waterside, Hotsloth.  He climbed the ranks of the local crime gangs, and finally landed himself in a position to lead multiple crews of his own.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Oswyn has almost single-handedly built one of the most pervasive criminal organizations in the entire region.  His gangs of "Lovelies" are feared far beyond the streets of Hotsloth, and his contacts and connections are extensive.

Failures & Embarrassments

The reasons for his desertion from the invading army of Imesse 20 years ago are still a closely guarded secret, but he is violently opposed to any suggestion that he deserted out of fear or cowardice.

Intellectual Characteristics

Oswyn is very intelligent, remarkably well-read and has an ability to organize and plan operations that could be the envy of many a legitimate organization.

Morality & Philosophy

Oswyn has abandoned any semblence of moral concern many years ago.  He sees no value in any life other than his own.
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations