
The Lovelies are a group of criminals that operate under the leadership and direction of Oswyn Lovely, a career criminal, murderer and extortionist that lives and works in the City of Hotsloth.   The Lovelies have adopted a structure to their organization that reflects its piratical origins. Individual cells are known as crews and crews are led by a crew boss. Each boss has complete control and authority over his crew, and each crew "elects" their boss based on strength, skill, connections or any combination of the three, and that elected leader is confirmed by Lovely himself... or killed outright if not found acceptable by him.   The Lovelies are proficient and competent criminals, specializing in theft, fencing of stolen goods, smuggling and the distribution of illegal or illicit goods and services. Assassination, murder, assault, extortion, kidnapping and narcotics are all areas of operation that any member or crew of the Lovelies would be familiar with.


The Lovelies are a crime syndicate, and Oswyn Lovely is at its head. He gets a percentage of every payout, every time. He has lieutenants below him that are known as Bosses that lead Crews of criminals. There are currently active Crews operating in City of Wessfall, City of Beldoah, Kington, Riverton, the Town of Molisloth  and Rickmo (on the Calas River). The Lovelies are trying to gain footholds in other busy ports, as well, including Lorancourt and Len Doa.


Anyone associated with the Lovelies is capable of brutal violence, or they wouldn't be associated for long. All established members of the society carry a length of iron chain roughly 28" to 36" long that they wear at their waist. This chain can (and often does) become a dangerous weapon in the hands of its wielder.

Public Agenda

Every member of the syndicate is looking for their own gain, all the time.  Money, power, influence and control are all clear goals for anyone dealing with the Lovelies in any manner.


The Lovelies have contacts and members all across the region, and they have the means to communicated with other members that are fast, efficient and not entirely understood by those that are in conflict with them. They have access to river, over-land and even magical means of transportation. They have a number of experts at their disposal including poisoners, assassins, healers, magicians, sages and counterfeiters that are all exceptionally good at their duties.


Oswyn Lovely began the Lovelies from very humble beginnings.  After deserting the Imessian armies during the Second Northern War, Oswyn took to piracy on the Caldar River, but his ship was attacked and he barely escaped with his life.  He began picking pockets and lifting cargo on the riverside docks in Hotsloth and built a crew of thugs and thieves structured like a band of pirates.  The thieves were his Crew and he was the Boss, and they took to calling themselves Lovelies after his criminal alias.
Oswyn Lovely, the leader and master-mind of the group known as the Lovelies
Illicit, Syndicate
Controlled Territories