Richwood Forest

The Richwood Forest is a densely-woods region of the Duchy of Hekmo.  Located in the east-central portion of the Duchy, between the Hokloth River to the west and the border of the Duchy of Len Doa, just north of the Calas River, the forest is more than 1,200 square miles of thick, ancient hardood forest located within low hills and gentle vales.   Once renowned for the quality of oak and hickory that the forest produced, the region is now very quiet, with only occassional timber harvesting conducted at need.


Located between the Hekloth River and the Calas River, the forest covers many hundreds of square miles of low hills and valleys.

Fauna & Flora

A dense growth of oak, hickory, elm and ash trees.  Previous generations had seen thousands of guilders worth of specialty hardwoods harvested from the forest for shipbuilding, bridges, towers and castles but more recent times have seen the industry fall off.   The forest teems with life.  Elk, deer, bear, bison and boar roam all through the woods, and rarer species such as Megaloceros, Dire Wolf, and even Mastodon have been spotted in just the last few years.  Birds and fowl abound, as do all the small game animals typically found in temperate forests.

Natural Resources

The wealth of the forest is the timber.  Ancient oak, hickory, ash and elm are found throughout the area, as are towering spruce, white pine and cedar in the lower valleys.  While not found in many years, older residents recall a time when the very rare and valuable Yew Beard could be found in significant amounts, as well.
Sunrise over the Richwood Forest
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Owning Organization